Friday, January 4, 2013


 I am all about saving money.  Call me "cheap" or "frugal" or what have you, it really doesn't matter.  I, on the other hand call it "being SMART"!  Making things homemade will not only save  you and your family money, but it will allow you to know what goes into the food that you eat.  I believe this recipe for taco seasoning mix is what triggered my mini obsession for DIY sauces, mixes and homemade dressings.  For me, it is very satisfying knowing exactly what is in the food I eat and feed my family.  Making things by scratch using ingredients instead of opening a box or an envelope and mixing with water gives me a sense of fulfillment.  It makes me smile.  :)  
4 TBSP chili powder
2 TBSP onion powder
1 TBSP ground cumin
1/2 TBSP garlic powder
1/2 TBSP paprika
1/2 TBSP kosher salt

Place all ingredients into a bowl and mix well. 
This mix will keep for several weeks in an airtight container. 3 TBSP equal one packaged envelope of taco seasoning mix.  Although, I'd  have to say that I never use quite that much.  Maybe a TBSP and a half with a quarter cup of water.
Now how easy was that?!! If time is a concern and convenience is more your thing, try getting your kids to help out. I think this would be a GREAT way to get your littles into the kitchen.  My son loves measuring and mixing and this is something he can do all by himself!


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